Plasma VUV and UV radiation – a method for successful deactivation of Aflatoxins (L7-4567)
Project Leader: Dr. Nina Recek (Jozef Stefan Institute)

This project represents a breakthrough in the scientific approach to the decontamination of aflatoxins from crops. It will achieve this using powerful, nearly continuous UV and VUV radiation in the range of wavelengths between about 100 and 400 nm. The source of such extensive radiation will be H2 and SO2 non-equilibrium gaseous plasma – a VUV and UV radiation source free from mercury. The hypothesis is as follows: radiation at suitable wavelengths causes the deactivation of mycotoxins and thereby inhibits their potential for food poisoning and danger to human and animal health and life. The project will focus on aflatoxins. Its results will enlighten the interaction of UV and VUV radiation of particular wavelengths with aflatoxins and contribute to the understanding of the degradation kinetics of this phenomenon. A powerful source of UV and VUV radiation will be constructed and evaluated for the deactivation of aflatoxins. Apart from the scientific breakthrough, the results will be useful for the commercialization of this approach.